Showing 3 Result(s)

Understanding and Addressing Child Noncompliance: Strategies for Parents and Educators

Understanding and Addressing Child Noncompliance: Strategies for Parents and Educators By Odell Vining, Ph.D. Noncompliance in children, characterized by refusal to follow directions or comply with adult requests, poses a common challenge for parents, educators, and behavioral psychologists. This behavior disrupts family dynamics and classroom environments and hinders the child’s ability to learn and socialize …

The Psychology Behind Social Media Addiction: Understanding the Behavioral Patterns

The Psychology Behind Social Media Addiction: Understanding the Behavioral Patterns By Odell Vining, Ph.D. Introduction: In an age where digital connectivity is incessantly at our fingertips, social media addiction has become a prevalent concern. This article delves into the behavioral psychology underpinning this modern-day phenomenon. As a behavioral psychologist, I focus on unpacking the intricate …